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1318. helll...gothic dress
[02489]  helll...gothic dress 投稿日時:2006/09/12 03:48:22
annietaさん annietaさん annietaさん annietaさん
投稿: annieta さん
hello..japanese...fall now..
good for crossdressing?right?
have a fun....being a cute girl
[02562]  What are helll you being cool 投稿日時:2006/09/19 22:12:56
投稿: Mine さん
You looks so cool & cute !!
Especialy, You have nice legs !!
Is it popular with gothic dress in your country now ?
Could you let us have much fun evertime.
[02593]  Re: helll...gothic dress 投稿日時:2006/09/21 13:01:35
投稿: annieta さん
thankyou ...
gothic is not popular but rarely seen
just some maniacs do...
but i like it....so much
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