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1966. butterfly fairy
[04247]  butterfly fairy 投稿日時:2007/02/23 18:05:06
annietaさん annietaさん annietaさん annietaさん
投稿: annieta さん
do i look good?
[04249]  Re: butterfly fairy 投稿日時:2007/02/23 18:44:58
投稿: ひなた さん
annietaさま 初めまして、ひなたです。(◕ฺー≦)ノ
♥(❀◕‿◕ฺ)з ㋵✿ฺ㋺✿ฺ㋛✿ฺ㋗✿ฺ㋧✿ฺ♬ε(◕‿◕✿ฺ)♥
[04250]  Yes, you look very good! 投稿日時:2007/02/23 19:17:26
投稿: Cathryn さん
Last time the theme's been "bubble bathing"
This time, I have named it.
It should be the "Angel".
You're a nice-looking cute angel.
Hug and kiss to you,
[04252]  butterfly fairy!! 投稿日時:2007/02/23 19:40:49
投稿: Cathryn さん
Oh, "butterfly fairy" is the title of pictures.
This should be far better than that named by me.
[04266]  Re: butterfly fairy 投稿日時:2007/02/24 00:30:11
投稿: annieta さん
ひなたさん thank you so much...
i can understand japanese...
but in this web...i can't type japanese...i don't know wsy....
when i put japanese letter....then it brokes..
i want to be your fan too
[04269]  Re: butterfly fairy 投稿日時:2007/02/24 09:58:10
投稿: ひなた さん
Ms. annieta Good morning, he is ひなた.(◕ฺー≦)ノ
Thank you for the reply of a comment.
A fairy matches well and is lovely.♥♥♥
Is Ms. annieta a foreign model? ( ? _ ? )
It is beautiful even if it sees which photograph.♡o。.(✿ฺ。 ✿ฺ)
Please do your best in the appearance which does not catch cold etc.
(❀◕‿◕ฺ)з ㋵✿ฺ㋺✿ฺ㋛✿ฺ㋗✿ฺ㋧✿ฺ♬ε(◕‿◕✿ฺ)
[04272]  Re: butterfly fairy 投稿日時:2007/02/24 12:29:46
投稿: annieta さん
hi hinata..
i am just a cd not model
i want to be your friends where do u live in?
just let me know your mail address
[04276]  Re: butterfly fairy 投稿日時:2007/02/24 18:16:48
投稿: ひなた さん
Hello, Ms. annieta
The reply became slow...o( _ _ )o
I understood the affair.
I also want to make friends...
My house is Kobe...
E-mail is transmitted to Ms. annieta from me.
An upper right photograph is sexy. It copied.♥
An E-mail is carried out...(∧_∧*)ノ
[04290]  Re: butterfly fairy 投稿日時:2007/02/25 22:04:25
投稿: ひなた さん
Hello, Ms. annieta
Please read the message of a bulletin board.
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