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[05271]  投稿日時:2007/06/16 22:53:16
Kylieさん Kylieさん Kylieさん
投稿: Kylie さん
Hello,I am from Macau,This is my second post,I want to make some friend in here.Nice to meet you
[05275]  Re: 投稿日時:2007/06/17 02:57:43
投稿: Mick さん
Hi Kylie!

I'm from Japan. But I sometimes travel to Hong Kong and/or Macau.
You are so cute! I thought you are real lady!!
When I go to Macau next time, I would like to meet you there. And I wanna be a friend of yours.

Hope to see you soon!


[05277]  Re: 投稿日時:2007/06/17 03:53:07
投稿: Cathryn さん
Hi I'm Cathryn a Japanese transvestite, who manage a blog named "Enchanted mtf transgenders" Won't you please let me present your photoes in my above-said blog?
[05278]  Re: Mick 投稿日時:2007/06/17 03:54:43
投稿: Kylie さん
Nice to meet you~You are my first Japanese friend.Do you have MSN??
[05279]  Re: Cathryn 投稿日時:2007/06/17 04:00:56
投稿: Kylie さん
Maybe yes,but I want to see your blog first~^^
Can I??
[05280]  Re: 投稿日時:2007/06/17 04:11:42
投稿: Cathryn さん
Please email me and in return I will advise
the URL. I can not put the URL here, I don't
know why. It is a system problem.
[05281]  Yes you can 投稿日時:2007/06/17 05:19:22
投稿: Cathryn さん
Please email me to the address receiveonly2006@yahoo.co.jp
and I can advise you my blog's Url.
Some systematical problem does not allow me
to put it in this BBS.
[05282]  Re: Cathryn 投稿日時:2007/06/17 05:56:27
投稿: Kylie さん
send to me please^^
[05285]  thanks 投稿日時:2007/06/17 08:29:58
投稿: Cathryn さん
I will send you to advise the URL.
[05292]  Re: 投稿日時:2007/06/17 13:03:51
投稿: ゆみこ さん
Hi, Kylie! I'm Yumiko(ゆみこ).

You can see my photos around here(^^).
Very nice meeting you! You're so cute & pretty!

I like the photo sitting on the bench, 'cause
the style is really like a women.

It would be very nice if I could be one
of your friends here(^^)

Please keep posting your cute pictures!
Thank you very much.

-- yumiko
[05296]  Re: 投稿日時:2007/06/17 20:32:02
投稿: Mick さん
Hi Kylie,

Thanks for your response.
Yes, I have MSN ID.
I'm gonna send you e-mail later and you can see my ID as well.

Talk to you soon.


[05336]  Re: Yumiko 投稿日時:2007/06/19 21:20:13
投稿: Kylie さん
Thanks your reply.I will keep post my photo,thanks your support~
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