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1119. hi!!
[01946]  hi!! 投稿日時:2006/07/19 20:47:53
annietaさん annietaさん annietaさん annietaさん
投稿: annieta さん
annieta world
hello everyone!!nice to meet u
i am annieta korean cd
[01949]  Re: hi!! 投稿日時:2006/07/19 21:30:37
投稿: nanotan さん
Wooow!! So beautiful!!! :-D
and...I wonder that you know how to take(make) your picture beautifuly... :-)
[01951]  Re: hi!! 投稿日時:2006/07/19 22:20:22
投稿: Shifumi さん
U are so cool and beautiful.
Where do u take the photos? at ur home or a studio?
Come on and join us in the chat!
[01958]  Re: hi!! 投稿日時:2006/07/20 12:51:07
投稿: annieta さん
annieta world
hi shifumi it's my little home not studio
sorry i can't join the chat because some problem in the way of internet protocol maybe.the korean internet ip use flexible ip.i want to join though
[01960]  Re: hi!! 投稿日時:2006/07/20 13:56:45
投稿: Christian Dior さん

[01961]  Re: hi!! 投稿日時:2006/07/20 14:34:59
投稿: annieta さん
hi christian dior
anatano jyosou sugatao mitaidesune!!
[01962]  Re: hi!! 投稿日時:2006/07/20 14:38:37
投稿: annieta さん
hello nanotan san!!
ueno shashinwa studio de dottandesu!!
shitano shashinwa uchide...
arigato!homete kurete!!
[01963]  Re: hi!! 投稿日時:2006/07/20 16:35:06
投稿: MEENA さん
Nice to meet you, and it was very wonderful, envied, and when the girl was seen too much, I deleted it for the said reasons though I also contributed.
I want to become such an adult woman.
[01964]  Re: hi!! 投稿日時:2006/07/20 18:46:22
投稿: annieta さん
hi meena thank you so much for your compliments!!
i think u can be a very beautiful woman soon
[01966]  Thank you 投稿日時:2006/07/20 19:56:42
投稿: MEENA さん
Thank you for the answer.
It is variously serious though usually works as a woman at the office. It is still 21 years old, and I want to aim at a woman as wonderful as Miss annita.
[01967]  Re: hi!! 投稿日時:2006/07/20 20:39:44
投稿: annieta さん
u are still young..
i am in thirties
[01970]  ・・・・・。 投稿日時:2006/07/20 22:21:38
投稿: meena さん
I'm sorry for Miss annieta, and my image deleted, and apologizes for this place so that such a reply sentence may come ..the debt...

[01975]  Re: ......anyway, 投稿日時:2006/07/21 01:46:38
投稿: nanotan さん
Thank you for your answering in “ilbonmal” !! How nice your Japanese! :-D
I'm sorry to hear that you can not join the chat, but we can talk here!! We always expected your beautiful photos! Do you have any Korean traditional dresses? ...my photo is Japanese traditional summer style kimono called“YUKATA”.(sorry about my ugly face^^;)
Nawadays,the YUKATA is very hot clothes of crossdresser on this board may as you know :-)
[01979]  Re: hi!! 投稿日時:2006/07/21 03:00:32
投稿: しふみ さん
Oh, really?, annieta.
Ur home is so big and nice..
It is very regrettable u cannot join the chat, though I think an IP address is not related. My IP address is assigned to the Internet Service Provider (ISP).
Is it for a filter?

Thank u so much for replying to writing in this board.
We are all looking forward to the following photos of u.
[01982]  Re: hi!!nanotan 投稿日時:2006/07/21 12:29:52
投稿: annieta さん
nanotan as you know there is korean traditional clothes called hanbok(chima chogori)but unfortunenately i never tried before...and i will try soon^^ your yukata pics makes me feel wow!it's good on you
[01983]  Re: hi!!しふみ 投稿日時:2006/07/21 12:36:03
投稿: annieta さん
hi! shifumi i tried many times to join the chat
but it says "we can't trace back,so u can't join"and i don't know why ,,maybe i guess flexible ip..
[01994]  MEENA様へ 投稿日時:2006/07/22 00:19:15
投稿: ariringo さん
[02001]  レスを削除しました 投稿日時:2006/07/22 18:37:10
投稿: ニャーコ さん

1118. こんばんは
[01945]  こんばんは 投稿日時:2006/07/19 18:22:29
投稿: ゆか さん
1114. スカート&ブーツ
[01939]  スカート&ブーツ 投稿日時:2006/07/18 23:09:33
投稿: さなえ さん
1113. 久しぶりの私服とコスプレ♪
[01937]  久しぶりの私服とコスプレ♪ 投稿日時:2006/07/18 19:46:33
李 蘭花さん 李 蘭花さん 李 蘭花さん 李 蘭花さん
投稿: 李 蘭花 さん
Wind Harmony
1111. 仙台で女の子デビュー2
[01923]  仙台で女の子デビュー2 投稿日時:2006/07/17 19:59:37
投稿: 吉田智美 さん
ページ: スレッド:
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